El existencialismo, en sus diversas
formulaciones, insiste en que cada hombre, individualmente, debe hacerse a sí
mismo. Esto quiere decir que no hay ningún modelo de humanidad o esencia humana
común a todos, sino sólo la que subjetivamente
cada cual sea capaz de otorgarse. La libertad consiste en que dada cual
llegue a ser lo que todavía no es. Antológicamente cada hombre es el modelo de sí
mismo; moralmente cada uno se impondrá las normas que considere legítimas.
Se trata de una corriente filosófica,
dominante durante los años inmediatamente anteriores y posteriores a la Segunda
Guerra Mundial, que parte del principio
de que la descripción de la existencia del hombre concreto tiene prioridad en
cualquier investigación acerca de su esencia.
En oposición a todo intento de considerar al
individuo humano como un ejemplo o realización de una idea o naturaleza
específica previa y común, el existencialismo
concede la primacía al desarrollo temporal del existir concreto, cuyo libre
despliegue constituye la progresiva configuración de aquello que en lenguaje
vulgar podría denominarse la esencia del hombre.
Aunque su remota inspiración procede del
filósofo danés Kierkegaard (1813-1855). Los factores que han promovido la
aparición del existencialismo son:
- Los
excesos de la ciencia y de la técnica moderna que pretenden convertir al
hombre en un mero punto de aplicación de sus conocimientos o de su
- La
despersonalización consecutiva a la socialización integral de las
actividades humanas y, en especial la crisis económica, política y
espiritual subsiguiente a la primera guerra europea y que precedió a un
derrumbamiento universal de los valores morales.
Las obras fundacionales de los análisis de la
existencia son contemporáneas: en 1927 se publica “Ser y tiempo” de M. Heidegger y el “Diario metafísico” de G. Marcel; en 1932, “Filosofía” de Kart Jaspers. Esto autores imprimen un giro original
a la filosofía.
El existencialismo, renuncia a dar una
explicación sistemática de la realidad, una de cuyas partes habría de ser el
hombre como especia y como individuo, porque, de hacerlo así, éste perdería su
carácter de sujeto libre y se vería incluido en el universo de los objetos.
Por el contrario, centran su investigación en
el sujeto que se plantea el interrogante filosófico, y desde él consideran al
mundo como el plano del existir humano concreto. Del mismo modo, en estrecha
relación con la fenomenología contemporánea (Heidegger fue discípulo de
Husserl), el método empleado es la descripción de las estructuras esenciales de
las vivencias y de las situaciones.
El existencialismo hace suya la problemática
de Kierkegaard, quien, frente al idealismo hegeliano, reivindicó los irreductibles
caracteres del individuo existente; el hombre singular, de “carne y hueso”, se
debate en desesperada soledad, con las últimas cuestiones de la creencia,
constitutivamente incierta, y de la muerte; el ser humano efectivamente
implantado en un mundo histórico ha de dar sentido a su contingencia
inexplicable y ha de referirse, por fuerza, a un porvenir imprevisible.
La descripción de la existencia humana que se
expone en la analítica existencia de Heidegger comienza por sentir una radical
diferencia entre el modo de cómo existe el hombre y el modo de ser de las
El carácter esencial de hombre real y
concreto, que está ahí, es la existencia,
en el sentido de que, viviendo, está referido siempre a haber de ser sus
propias posibilidades. Lo que yo sea,
será siempre un futuro mío, porque el hombre no es un dato, sino un
proyecto en sí mismo, incluso para hacerse cargo de sus iniciales dotes o
Las cosas, en cambio son reales, como algo
dado, puesto a nuestro alcance. La existencia humana
tiene como modalidad fundamental el ser-en-el-mundo. El mundo representa la apertura y preocupación por la indefinida multiplicidad de instrumentos que, en forma de medios y señales, se presentan al hombre para la posible realización de sus proyectos y, en último término, de su existencia.
tiene como modalidad fundamental el ser-en-el-mundo. El mundo representa la apertura y preocupación por la indefinida multiplicidad de instrumentos que, en forma de medios y señales, se presentan al hombre para la posible realización de sus proyectos y, en último término, de su existencia.
El existencialismo, en sus diversas
versiones, ha contribuido eficazmente al mejor conocimiento del sujeto humano
en lo que tiene irreductible a la
objetividad científica; ha permitido la fundamentación metafísica y
metodológica de las ciencias humanas: psicología, psiquiatría, sociología y,
sobre todo, ha dado una versión profunda de las inquietudes de nuestra época.
Sus adversarios y no pocos espectadores
imparciales ven en ella mucho de moda y sensacionalismo y achacan su gran
resonancia, en parte a su novedad
afectadamente aireada, en parte a su sintonía
con el sentir masivo del tiempo, con sus posos de pesimismo, escepticismo,
relativismo, realismo e inconformismo; y en parte también a su oscuridad fácilmente tenida por profundidad.
Sus partidarios creen estar en la línea del
progreso y ven en su doctrina la expresión más profunda del tiempo presente.
Este tiempo ha demostrado una nueva comprensión del ser, comprensión para lo
histórico y singular en el hombre, para devenir y para el proceso, en oposición
a las esencias estéticas y esquemáticas.
En la positiva estructuración de lo nuevo hay
tanta variedad de direcciones, que el mismo nombre de filosofía de la
existencia o existencial apenas si puede ya emplearse con un significado común.
De hecho habría que hablar de cada una de sus figuras particulares, pero como
la lista resultaría muy larga sólo mencionaremos a los hoy más en boga:
Heidegger y Jaspers, por el existencialismo alemán, y Sastre y Marcel, como
representantes del francés.
The existentialism, in its diverse formulations, insists that every man, individually, must do himself to himself. This means that there is no model of humanity or common human extract to all, but only that subjectively everyone is capable of being granted. The freedom consists in that given which becomes what is not yet. Antológicamente every man is the model of himself; morally each one will impose on himself the norms that he considers to be legitimate.
It is a question of a philosophical, domineering current during the years immediately previous and later to the Second World war, which departs from the beginning of which the description of the existence of the concrete man has priority in any investigation about its extract.
In opposition to any attempt of considering the human individual to be an example or achievement of an idea or previous and common specific nature, the existentialism grants the supremacy to the temporary development of existing I limit, whose free deployment constitutes the progressive configuration of what in vulgar language might be named the extract of the man.
Although its remote inspiration comes from the Danish philosopher Kierkegaard (1813-1855). The factors that have promoted the appearance of the existentialism are:
The excesses of the science and of the modern skill that try to turn the man into a mere point of application of its knowledge or of its yield.
The consecutive depersonalization to the integral socialization of the human activities and, especially the subsequent economic, political and spiritual crisis to the first European war and that preceded a universal collapse of the moral values.
The works fundacionales of the analyses of the existence are contemporary: in 1927 there is published “to Be and time” of M. Heidegger and the “metaphysical Newspaper” of G. Marcel; in 1932, “Philosophy“ of Go-cart Jaspers. This authors print an original draft on the philosophy.
The existentialism, he gives up giving a systematical explanation of the reality, one of whose parts the man should be like spice and like individual, because, of making it like that, this one would lose its character of free subject and would turn out to be included in the universe of the objects.
On the contrary, they center its investigation on the subject that raises the philosophical question, and from him they consider to the world as the plane of concrete human being existing. In the same way, in narrow relation with the contemporary fenomenología (Heidegger was a Husserl disciple), the used method is the description of the essential structures of the experiences and of the situations.
The existentialism makes his the problems of Kierkegaard, who, opposite to the Hegelian idealism, claimed the unyielding characters of the existing individual; the singular man, of “meat and bone”, is debated in desperate solitude, with the last questions of the belief, constitutivamente uncertain, and of the death; the human being really implanted in a historical world has to give sense to its inexplicable risk and has to refer, by force, to an unforeseeable future.
The description of the existence humanizes that it is exhibited in the analytical Heidegger existence begins for feeling a radical difference between the way how there exists the man and the way of life of the things.
The essential character of real and concrete man, who is there, is the existence, to the effect that, living, it is always recounted to credit of being your own possibilities. What I am, will always be a future of mine, because the man is not a fact, but a project in himself, himself to take charge of its initial talent or shortcomings.
The things, on the other hand they are real, as something given, put to our scope. The human existence takes the being as a fundamental form - en-el-mundo. The world represents the opening and worry for the indefinite multiplicity of instruments that, in the shape of means and signs, present the man to themselves for the possible achievement of its projects and, finally, of its existence.
The existentialism, in its diverse versions, has contributed efficiently to the best knowledge of the human subject in what it has unyielding to the scientific objectivity; it has allowed the metaphysical and methodological foundation of the human sciences: psychology, psychiatry, sociology and, especially, it has given a deep version of the worries of our epoch.
Its adversaries and not few impartial spectators see in very much fashionable she and sensationalism and impute its big resonance, partly to its innovation unnaturally aerated, partly to its tuning with feeling massively of the time, with its grounds of pessimism, skepticism, relativism, realism and non-conformism; and partly also to its darkness easily had as depth.
Its followers are thinking about being in the line of the progress and see in its doctrine the deepest expression of the present time. This time has demonstrated a new comprehension of the being, comprehension for the historical and singular thing in the man, to occur and for the process, in opposition to the esthetic and schematic extracts.
In the positive structure of the new thing there is so much directions variety, that the same name of philosophy of the existence or existential scarcely if it can already be used by a common meaning. In fact it would be necessary to speak about each of its particular figures, but as the list would turn out to be very long we will only mention to today more in vogue: Heidegger and Jaspers, for the German existentialism, and Tailor and Marcel, like representatives of French.
The existentialism, in its diverse formulations, insists that every man, individually, must do himself to himself. This means that there is no model of humanity or common human extract to all, but only that subjectively everyone is capable of being granted. The freedom consists in that given which becomes what is not yet. Antológicamente every man is the model of himself; morally each one will impose on himself the norms that he considers to be legitimate.
It is a question of a philosophical, domineering current during the years immediately previous and later to the Second World war, which departs from the beginning of which the description of the existence of the concrete man has priority in any investigation about its extract.
In opposition to any attempt of considering the human individual to be an example or achievement of an idea or previous and common specific nature, the existentialism grants the supremacy to the temporary development of existing I limit, whose free deployment constitutes the progressive configuration of what in vulgar language might be named the extract of the man.
Although its remote inspiration comes from the Danish philosopher Kierkegaard (1813-1855). The factors that have promoted the appearance of the existentialism are:
The excesses of the science and of the modern skill that try to turn the man into a mere point of application of its knowledge or of its yield.
The consecutive depersonalization to the integral socialization of the human activities and, especially the subsequent economic, political and spiritual crisis to the first European war and that preceded a universal collapse of the moral values.
The works fundacionales of the analyses of the existence are contemporary: in 1927 there is published “to Be and time” of M. Heidegger and the “metaphysical Newspaper” of G. Marcel; in 1932, “Philosophy“ of Go-cart Jaspers. This authors print an original draft on the philosophy.
The existentialism, he gives up giving a systematical explanation of the reality, one of whose parts the man should be like spice and like individual, because, of making it like that, this one would lose its character of free subject and would turn out to be included in the universe of the objects.
The existentialism makes his the problems of Kierkegaard, who, opposite to the Hegelian idealism, claimed the unyielding characters of the existing individual; the singular man, of “meat and bone”, is debated in desperate solitude, with the last questions of the belief, constitutivamente uncertain, and of the death; the human being really implanted in a historical world has to give sense to its inexplicable risk and has to refer, by force, to an unforeseeable future.
The description of the existence humanizes that it is exhibited in the analytical Heidegger existence begins for feeling a radical difference between the way how there exists the man and the way of life of the things.
The essential character of real and concrete man, who is there, is the existence, to the effect that, living, it is always recounted to credit of being your own possibilities. What I am, will always be a future of mine, because the man is not a fact, but a project in himself, himself to take charge of its initial talent or shortcomings.
The things, on the other hand they are real, as something given, put to our scope. The human existence takes the being as a fundamental form - en-el-mundo. The world represents the opening and worry for the indefinite multiplicity of instruments that, in the shape of means and signs, present the man to themselves for the possible achievement of its projects and, finally, of its existence.
The existentialism, in its diverse versions, has contributed efficiently to the best knowledge of the human subject in what it has unyielding to the scientific objectivity; it has allowed the metaphysical and methodological foundation of the human sciences: psychology, psychiatry, sociology and, especially, it has given a deep version of the worries of our epoch.
Its adversaries and not few impartial spectators see in very much fashionable she and sensationalism and impute its big resonance, partly to its innovation unnaturally aerated, partly to its tuning with feeling massively of the time, with its grounds of pessimism, skepticism, relativism, realism and non-conformism; and partly also to its darkness easily had as depth.
Its followers are thinking about being in the line of the progress and see in its doctrine the deepest expression of the present time. This time has demonstrated a new comprehension of the being, comprehension for the historical and singular thing in the man, to occur and for the process, in opposition to the esthetic and schematic extracts.
In the positive structure of the new thing there is so much directions variety, that the same name of philosophy of the existence or existential scarcely if it can already be used by a common meaning. In fact it would be necessary to speak about each of its particular figures, but as the list would turn out to be very long we will only mention to today more in vogue: Heidegger and Jaspers, for the German existentialism, and Tailor and Marcel, like representatives of French.
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