Key, familia de pintores flamencos mejor conocidos por su arte de retratar. Willem Key (c. 1515-68) era un alumno de Lambert Lombard c. 1540 en Liège. En 1542 se hizo maestro del Gremio de Antwerp, donde gastó el resto de su vida laboral. Su sobrino, Adriaen Thomasz. Key (c. 1544 - después de 1589), era probablemente su alumno. Éste se hizo maestro del Gremio de Antwerp en 1568. Ambos artistas muy se consideraron en su día e hicieron retratos asegurados y sólidos de personas famosas. Sus trabajos religiosos son menos conocidos, y se conoce que muchos de Willem han acabado en las manos de iconoclastas.
Key, family of Flemish painters better known by its art of painting
the portrait. Willem Key (c. 1515-68) was a pupil of Lambert Lombard c. 1540 in Liège. In 1542 there was done a teacher of the Union of Antwerp, where it spent the rest of its labor life. Its nephew, Adriaen Thomasz. Key (c. 1544 - after 1589), he was probably its pupil. This one became a teacher of the Union of Antwerp in 1568. Both artists much thought in due time and did insured and solid portraits of famous persons. Its religious works are less well-known, and it is known that many of Willem have died in the iconoclasts' hands.
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