En abril del 54 la revista soviética La bandera, anunciaba la próxima aparición de la primera novela de Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago. El editor de Milán, Feltrinelli, obtuvo los derechos para su edición en Italia, pero en Moscú se alzaron contra la novela. Se dirigieron a Feltrinelli, de ideología comunista, para que devolviera el manuscrito, pero este ignoró el asunto.
Le visitó entonces Alexei Surkov, secretario general de la Unión de Escritores Soviéticos, pero la traducción italiana apareció en noviembre de 1957, y un año más tarde la inglesa, la americana, la francesa, y la alemana. Tras la concesión del Nobel en 1958, que en un primer momento aceptó y al que posteriormente renunció, Pasternak se convirtió en objeto de la guerra fría.

Zhivago, que había prometido acompañarles, se queda en Varikino, hundiéndose en la apatía, a pesar de la ayuda de sus amigos Gordon y Dudorov. Vive con la hija de su portero, Marona, que le da dos hijas. Lara también tiene una hija de Zhivago.
Zhivago desaparece y cuando se le vuelve a encontrar está ya muerto, víctima de un ataque al corazón, el mismo día en que iba a ocupar su puesto en la clínica. Poco después Lara moriría en un campo de concentración.
En el plano real, Zhivago es un hombre apático, falto de voluntad, con temor al compromiso; en el metafísico, es un mártir, un comprometido. Zhivago no experimenta ninguna evolución, es un elegido. El cálculo de su personalidad está cerrado. La pasión de Zhivago es comparada con la pasión de Cristo, llegando a decir Lara:
Tu marcha, mi fin... El enigma de la vida, el enigma de la muerte... todo esto lo hemos entendido. Pero lo que respecta a los pequeños negocios de este mundo... hemos de lamentar que no son cosa nuestra. En las poesías religiosas de Zhivago, María Magdalena llora a Cristo, quien resume su pasión en la poesía Getsemaní, que cierra la novela. Surge así una correspondencia mística que la realidad vital de Zhivago niega.
Este es el destino de un hombre que no sabe decidirse ni política, ni religiosa, ni sentimentalmente. Desprecia y ama a sus amigos, es cristiano creyente, pero concibe el cristianismo tan solo como despliegue de la personalidad, no como amor al prójimo.
Doctor Zhivago combina el estilo lírico poético y el épico descriptivo, y contiene rasgos autobiográficos evidentes, principalmente en lo referente al amor por una mujer que no era su esposa. Describe el panorama en Rusia entre 1903 y 1929, siendo una crónica de la inteligencia.
Los abundantes personajes constituyen una trama compleja, y sus destinos suelen estar conectados; se presentan como seres que responden a leyes de atracción y repulsión, reflejo de una realidad irracional y llena de artistas. Esta manera de ver las relaciones se observa sobre todo en la historia de Zhivago y Lara, una historia de aventura y muerte.
La novela se compone de una sucesión de escenas, diálogos, descripciones y reflexiones, y se divide en diecisiete partes. Evita deliberadamente el análisis psicológico y rompe con el esquema del relato fluido y bien construido.
Pasternak no es capaz de trazar largas líneas de desarrollo, la acción tiende a diluirse en episodios de calidad desigual, pero crea una forma propia de partir de ideas no enteramente originales, como el cristianismo puramente espiritual o su concepción de la escasa importancia de los grandes nombres de la historia que remite a Tolstoi. Mezcla drama y lirismo, fantasía, capacidad emocional y hondura filosófica.
Pasternak no quería escribir una novela antiestalinista sino crear una tragedia espiritual. Su estriba en que Pasternak no se atrevió a enfrentar a la ideología intransigente de la época su propia concepción metafísica, elemento último y fundamental de la obra.
In April, 54 the Soviet magazine The flag was announcing the next appearance of the first novel of Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago. The publisher of Milan, Feltrinelli, obtained the rights for its edition in Italy, but in Moscow they rose against the novel. They spoke to Feltrinelli, of communist ideology, so that he was returning the manuscript, but this one ignored the matter.
He was visited by Alexei Surkov of that time, Secretary-General of the Union of Writers Soviéticos, but the Italian translation appeared in November, 1957, and one year later the Englishwoman, the American, the French, and the German. After the authorization of the Nobel Prize in 1958, which in the first moment he accepted and whom later he resigned, Pasternak turned into object of the cold war.
Despite being involved by implication in the revolution, Yuri Zhivago, medical acquaintance and poet, refuses to compromise, moving back with its family to the house of its wife in Siberia. It is captured by the guerrillas red and it is forced to give them medical care for three years. When it returns to Varikino, its family has already gone away to Moscow, emigrating abroad later. Replacing Tonia, its till then partner, there appears
Lara, the woman of the evil red commissioner Strelnikov, joining to her a tragic love. The political fall of Strelnikov, who later would be condemned to death and would commit suicide, puts in danger the life of Lara and of its daughter, which they flee to Mongolia.
Zhivago, who had promised to accompany them, remains in Varikino, sinking in the apathy, in spite of the help of its friends Gordon and Dudorov. He lives with the daughter of its doorman, Marona, who gives to him two daughters. Lara also has a Zhivago daughter.
Zhivago disappears and when one returns him to find there is already dead, victim of a heart attack, the same day in which it was going to fill its vacancy in the clinic. Soon Lara would die in a concentration camp.
In the real plane, Zhivago is an apathetic man, lacking in will, with fear of the commitment; in the metaphysician, he is a martyr, an awkward one. Zhivago does not experience any evolution, it is an elected one. The calculation of its personality is closed. The Zhivago passion is compared with Christ's passion, going so far as to say Lara:
Your march, my end... The puzzler of the life, the puzzler of the death... we have understood all this. But what it concerns to the small business of this world... has to be sorry by us that there are no our thing. In the religious Zhivago poetry, Maria Magdalen weeps for Christ, who sums its passion up in the poetry Gethsemane, which closes the novel.
There arises this way a mystical mail that the vital Zhivago reality denies. This is the destination of a man who can decide not even politics, not religious, not sentimentally. He despises and loves its friends, he is a believing Christian, but he conceives the Christianity only like deployment of the personality, not like love to the neighbor.
Doctor Zhivago combines the poetical lyric style and the epic descriptive one, and contains clear autobiographical features, principally as for the love for a woman who was not its wife. It describes the panorama in Russia between 1903 and 1929, being a chronicle of the intelligence. The abundant personages constitute a complex plot, and its destinations are usually connected; they present themselves as beings who answer to laws of attraction and repulsion, reflex of a reality irrational and full of artists. This way of seeing the relations is observed especially in the history of Zhivago and Lara, a history of adventure and death.
The novel consists of a succession of scenes, dialogues, descriptions and reflections, and splits into seventeen parts. He avoids deliberately the psychological analysis and breaks with the scheme of the fluid history and built good.
Pasternak is not capable of planning long development lines, the action tends to be diluted in episodes of unequal quality, but it creates a proper way of departing from ideas not entirely original, like the Christianity purely spiritually or its conception of the scarce importance of the big names of the history that he sends to Tolstoi. It mixes drama and lyricism, fantasy, emotional capacity and philosophical depth.
Pasternak did not want to write an antiStalinist novel but create a spiritual tragedy. Its it rests on that Pasternak did not dare to face to the intransigent ideology of the epoch its own metaphysical conception, last and fundamental element of the work.
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