Pasear en plena naturaleza y por un entorno agradable, nos acerca a los ciclos naturales, eleva el ánimo, favorece la creatividad y fortalece la salud. El único requisito a mi entender, es hacerlo en cuerpo y alma.
Cuando el otoño se acerca, como preámbulo del invierno, las horas de luz disminuyen, las puestas de sol parecen alargarse, y los cielos se cubren de toda gama de rojos. Las aceras y los caminos se llenan de hojas, que al caer dejan desnudas las ramas de los árboles, fabricando estampas melancólicas.
Sin embargo, las exigencias nos pillan ahora más "bajos" de lo habitual y es mas facil que cierta pesadumbre se instale en nosotros. Estos son meses propensos a una cierta atonía física, e incluso al pesimismo, la tristeza o la depresión, como bien saben los médicos y mas en circunstancias como las actuales, con una crisis que no cesa, y que es como un invierno que parece no tener fin.
No es algo nuevo, los ciclos de la naturaleza nos siguen afectando, por mucho que artificialicemos nuestra vida....porque cuando llega la primavera, todo apunta en la naturaleza y en nosotros a la idea de la resurección, y durante el otoño lo que se despierta es la idea de la muerte y de la huida del tiempo.
Pese a todo, se sigue teniendo a nuestro alcance una posibilidad tan vieja como el ser humano para hacer frente al desasosiego, algo que ayuda a replegarse en lo más intimo cuando lo necesitamos y siembra las semillas de la salud y el bienestar. Algo tan sencillo como el caminar. Lo venimos haciendo desde el inicio de los tiempos, aunque ahora es una actividad secundaria, deportiva en el mejor de los casos, y ha dejado de ser un medio de transporte, de descanso y de sosiego....en mi opinión, hoy en dia hemos cambiado el placer de viajar por la urgencia de llegar pronto.
To walk in full nature and for an agreeable environment, brings us over to the natural cycles, raises the fortitude, favors the creativity and strengthens the health. The only requisite to me be understood, is to do it in body and soul.
When the autumn approaches, like winter preamble, the hours of light diminish, the puttings suns seem to get longer, and the skies are covered of any scale of red. The sidewalks and the ways fill with sheets, which, on having fallen down, make the branches of the trees naked, making melancholic pictures.
The cold shrinks everything, inviting to a withdrawal which we feel called, although not always it is easy or possible. The light artifical of the shop windows and the lampposts, it maintains to streak the premature shades of the night, and they remind to us that the continuous activity.
The stimuli are supported around us, and the conditionings of the life also, and often we face them with an energy more nervous than physical.
Nevertheless, the requirements catch now more "shallows" of the habitual thing from us and it is easier that certain sorrow settles in us. These are months inclined to a certain physical apathy, and even to the pessimism, the sadness or the depression, as well the doctors know and more in circumstances like the current ones, with a crisis that does not stop, and that is like a winter that seems to have no end.
It is not anything new, the cycles of the nature follow us affecting, for much that artificialicemos our life.... because when the spring comes, everything points in the nature and in us to the idea of the resurección, and during the autumn what wakes up is the idea of the death and of the flight of the time.
The difference is that now the difficulties of following this annual rhythm are great, for the determinants that we have, and because often we believe that we cannot allow ourselves this abandonment that seems to claim what surrounds us, or sometimes because we think that the important thing is to keep on attending on the urgencies that go out to the step, without rest safe in these moments to which we have called "free time", and that they have turned in an industry, another need with its requirements, what can become an enclosed extresante.
In spite of everything, it keeps on having to our scope a possibility as old as the human being to face to the feeling of unease, something that it helps to withdraw deep inside when we need it and he sows the seeds of the health and the well-being.
A little so simple as the gait. We have doing it from the beginning of the times, although now it is a secondary, sports business ideally, and has stopped being a way of transport, of rest and of calm.... in my opinion, nowadays we have changed the pleasure of traveling round the urgency of coming soon.