Esculapio, el dios de la medicina, era el hijo de Apolo y Coronis, y fué criado por el sabio centauro Quiron, de quien aprendio el arte de la curación. Fue introducido en Roma desde Grecia disfrazado de serpiente durante una grave epidemia de peste. Recupero su aspecto original en la isla Tiberina y la peste por fin, fue erradicada. El caduceo, una serpiente enrollada alrededor de un bastón, es su atributo.
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Esculapio |
La hermana gemela de Apolo, Diana, era la diosa de la castidad y de la caceria. A menudo aparece como un personaje atlético, vestida con una túnica corta, suele llevar un arco y una flecha y acostumbra a estar acompañada de perros de caza o ciervos. Se identifica con Luna, y su atributo es una luna creciente. Suele representarse rodeada de sus ninfas guardianas, o junto a un oso, dado que Juno convirtio a su ninfa Calisto en dicho animal. Igual que Castidad, Diana solía aparecer acompañada de Venus y Cupido, representantes del amor sensual. En ocasiones también aparece con un escudo para protegerse de las flechas de Cupido.
Vesta era la diosa del hogar. En su templo circular de Roma ardía perennemente una llama custodiada por las Vestales. Estas eran seleccionadas a la edad de 6 años y tenian que desempeñar sus tareas antes de conseguir la libertad para casarse. Su tarea mas importante era la de asegurarse que el fuego sagrado no se apagara nunca. Si eso ocurria, el sumo sacerdote las azotaba, si rompian el voto de castidad, se las emparedaba vivas..
Vestian unas tunicas blancas con cenefas y mantos dorados. Las vestales más célebres fueron Rea Silvia, -
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Templo de Vesta |
madre de Rómulo y Remo-, Túchia y Claudia. Vesta cedió su puesto en el Olimpo al Dios del Vino, Baco. Dos festines nupciales de los dioses, fueron temas muy populares en el arte, el festín de Cupido y Psique, y el de Tetis y Peleo, en el segundo, las doce deidades del Olímpo se sentaron en sus tronos. Las Parcas cantaron, Ganímedes vertió Nectar y 50 nereidas bailaron sobre la arena. Por desgracia la diosa de la Discordia, Eris, que provocó una guerra extendiendo falsos rumores, no había sido invitada.
Mientras Juno, Minerva y Venus charlaban, lanzó una manzana dorada, dedicada a la más hermosa, un acto que dio pie al célebre juicio de Paris, y que desembocó en la guerra de Troya.
Esculapio, the god of the medicine, was the son of Apollo and Coronis, and it was raised by the wise centaur Quiron, of whom he learned the art of the healing. It was introduced in Rome from Greece disguised of snake during a serious pest epidemic. I recover its original aspect in the island Tiberina and the pest finally, it was eradicated. The caduceo, a snake coiled about a cane, is its attribute.
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Vesta |
The twin sister of Apollo, Diana, was the goddess of the chastity and of the hunt. Often it appears like an athletic personage, dressed in a short tunic, usually takes an arch and an arrow and she is accustomed to being accompanied by hunting dogs or deer. It is identified by Moon, and its attribute is an increasing moon. It is represented usually surrounded with its nymphs guards, or along with a bear, since Juno turned its nymph Calisto into the above mentioned animal. Just as Chastity, Diana usually turned out to be accompanied by Venus and Cupid, representatives of the sensual love. Sometimes also it appears with a shield to be protected from the Cupid arrows.
Vesta was the goddess of the hearth. In its circular temple of Rome it was burning uninterruptedly a flame guarded by the Vestales. These were selected at the age of 6 years and they had to redeem its tasks before obtaining the freedom to marry. Its most important task was that of making sure that the sacred fire will never go out. If that happened, the supreme priest was flogging them, if they were breaking the vote of chastity, they were confined alive.
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Diana |
They were dressing a few white tunics in mopboards and golden cloaks. The most famous vestales were Culprit Silvia, - Rómulo's mother and I Row - Túchia and Greengage. Vesta transferred its position in the Olympus to the God of the Wine, Baco. Two wedding banquets of the gods, were very popular topics in the art, the banquet of Cupid and Psyche, and that of Tetis and I fight, in the second one, twelve deities of the Olímpo sat down in its thrones. The Frugal ones sang, Ganímedes spilled Nectar and 50 nereids danced on the sand. Unfortunately the goddess of the Discord, Eris, which provoked a war extending false rumors, had not been invited.
While Juno, Minerva and Venus were chatting, it threw a golden apple dedicated to the most beautiful, an act that gave cause for the famous judgment of Paris, and that ended in the war of Troy.
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