Sunday 14 October 2012


Una magica sinfonia, tocada con el instrumento que tan solo es capaz de llegarnos a la profundidad del alma. El piano. Instrumento solo apto para manos magicas que son capaces de transmitir en sus dedos el poder de un estado emocional, para decirnos sin palabras todo el dolor y el sufrimiento que un ser humano puede sentir. Es pura poesia hecha notas musicales. Es un regalo de esos seres que tienen el don magico de poder transmitirnos la belleza o nostalgia de su vision del mundo, y de tantas veces su complejo mundo interior, incomprendido a menudo, y otras tantas rechazado. Este video es para todas aquellas personas que tocan el piano, o bien se dejan embarcar en la nave de sus sueños al oir cualquier bella melodia.

A magic symphony touched with the instrument that just is capable of going over to the depth of the soul. The piano. I arrange only suitably for magic hands that are capable of transmitting in its fingers the power of the emotional state, to say to us without words the whole pain and the suffering that a human being can feel. It is a pure made poetry well-known musical. It is a gift of these beings who have the magic gift of being able to transmit the beauty or nostalgia of its vision of the world, and of so many times its complex interior world, ununderstood often, and some others pushed back. This video is for all those persons that they touch the piano, or allow to embark in the ship of its sleep on having heard any beautiful melody

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