Wednesday 16 January 2013

Mitologia 5...Mithologhy 5

Minerva era la diosa de la sabiduría y de la guerra, pero a diferencia de Marte, luchaba en defensa de la justicia. Nació de la cabeza de Júpiter, porque alguien le había advertido en una profecía que su primera mujer, Metis, daría a luz una criatura que acabaría sobrepasándolo, cuando la gran diosa se quedó embarazada, Júpiter se la comió, sin embargo fue tanto su sufrimiento, que le tuvo que rogar a Vulcano, que partiera su cabeza por la mitad, de la cual salio de nuevo Minerva.

Para esta, el buho de la sabiduría era sagrado, y a menudo le daba consejos a su padre. Su belleza era noble, con frecuencia se representa con una armadura, portando una lanza y un escudo, algo que a veces puede recordar la imagen de Medusa. También era la diosa de los oficios, en especial de los tejedores y los costureros, y fué la inventora de la flauta. Era invocada por aquellos que buscaban razones, enseñanzas y aprender artes civilizadas.

En una ocasión Minerva compitió con Neptuno por la región de Atica, que fue ofrecida como premio para aquél que diera a sus habitantes el obsequio más útil. Neptuno golpeó el suelo con su Tridente y formó un rio, o según algunas versiones un caballo, Minerva a su vez creó el olivo, un símbolo de paz, por lo que la región le fue concedida a ella. 

El árbol fue cultivado por Cécrope, fundador de Atenas, capital de Atica, y Minerva se convirtió en la patrona de la ciudad. Su templo, el Partenón, se construyó en la Acropolis. Minerva suele aparecer con un olivo o una rama, y su vestido suele estar decorado con hojas de olivo.

Como dios de la luz, Apolo heredó dos características especiales. En primer lugar era el dios del sol, y como tal, conducía un carro tirado por 4 caballos por el cielo todos los días, por lo general, precedido por la figura de Aurora. Esta escena se presta a ser el tema principal para muchos temas barrocos, que suele mostrar  a Apolo dando a luz a cuatro continentes. 

En segundo lugar, Apolo representa la luz de la verdad, el conocimiento y la razón. Apolo ha servido de fuente de inspiración para poetas, y les ha otorgado su corona de laurel, una referencia a su amor correspondido por Dafne. Apolo tambien se asociaba con la protección de los rebaños y manadas. Era habitual que apareciera vestido de pastor, con un cayado y aspecto bucólico, solía siempre verse rodeado de sátiros. Su supremacía como dios de la música, fue puesta en entredicho por Pan, y el sátiro Marsias. 

Tambien podía ser cruel, y con crueldad se volvió contra los griegos en la guerra de Troya, sus flechas mataron a filas enteras de hombres, y sus dardos envenenados provocaron enfermedades. Sin embargo por lo general Apolo es representado como el dios de las artes civilizadas.


Minerva was the goddess of the knowledge and of the war, but in contrast to Mars, she was fighting in defense of the justice. He was born of the head of Jupiter, because someone had warned him in a prediction that its first wife, Metis, would give birth to a creature that would end up by exceeding it, when the big goddess remained a pregnant woman, Jupiter ate it, nevertheless it was so much its suffering, which had to ask him Vulcano, to divide its head for the half, of which Minerva went out again.

For this one, the owl of the knowledge was sacred, and often it was giving his advices to its father. Its beauty was noble, often it is represented by an armor, carrying a spear and a shield, something that sometimes can remember the Jellyfish image. 

Also she was the goddess of the offices, especially of the weavers and the dressmakers, and she was the creator of the flute. It was invoked by those who were looking for reasons, educations and to learn civilized arts.

In an occasion Minerva competed with Neptune for the region of Atica, which was offered like award for that one that was giving to its inhabitants the most useful obsequiousness. Neptune struck the soil with its Trident and formed a river, or according to some versions horse, Minerva in turn created the olive tree, a peace symbol, by what the region was granted to her. 

The tree was cultivated by Cécrope, founder of Athens, capital of Atica, and Minerva turned into the boss of the city. Its temple, the Parthenon, was constructed in the Acropolis. Minerva usually appears with an olive tree or a branch, and its garment is usually decorated with olive tree sheets.

As god of the light, Apollo inherited two special characteristics. First of all he was the god of the sun, and as such, he was leading a car thrown by 4 horses by the sky every day, in general, preceded by the figure of Dawn. This scene offers to be the main topic for many baroque topics, which usually shows to Apollo giving birth to four continents. 

Secondly, Apollo represents the light of the truth, the knowledge and the reason. Apollo has served as inspiration source for poets, and has granted them its crown of laurel, a reference to its love corresponded by Dafne. Apollo also was collaborating with the protection of the herds and herds. It was habitual that was turning out to be dressed in shepherd, in a crook and bucolic aspect, it was always occurring rarely turn surrounded with satyrs. 

Its supremacy like god of the music, was raised doubts by Pan good, and the satyr Marsias. 

Also it could be cruel, and with cruelty it turned against the Greeks in the war of Troy, its arrows killed to entire men lines, and its poisoned darts provoked illnesses. Nevertheless in general Apollo is represented like the god of the civilized arts.

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