Thursday 2 August 2012


Despues de que un oráculo predijera que Acrisio, Rey de Argos, sería derrotado por su nieto, encerró a su hija Danae en una torre, para evitar que concibiera un hijo, Júpiter descubrio a la hermosa doncella desde los cielos y decidio poseerla, pero al ser incapaz de hacerlo debido a su apariencia divina, bajó a la tierra en forma de lluvia de oro. Como resultado de la cópula, Danae dio a luz al heroe Perseo.

After an oracle was predicting that Acrisio, King of Argus, would be defeated by its grandson, it shut its daughter Danae up in a tower, to prevent a son from conceiving, Jupiter discovered the beautiful maiden from the skies and decided to possess it, but to the being unable to do it due to its divine appearance, it went down to the ground in the shape of golden rain. As result of the coitus, Danae gave birth to the hero Perseo.

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