Galatea era una ninfa marina, enamorada del bello Acis, y perseguida por el cíclope Polifemo, un monstruo salvaje que criaba ovejas en una isla que suele identificarse con Sicilia. Este último subio a una colina desde la que se veía el mar , y toco su caramillo de 100 lenguetas para cantarle una cancion de amor a su amada. Mas tarde al verla en brazos de Acis, persiguio al joven, y le arrojó encima un enorme trozo de montaña, tras lo cual se convirtio en rio.

Galatea was a marine nymph fallen in love with the beautiful Acis, and chased by the Cyclops Polifemo, a wild monster that was raising sheep in an island that is identified usually with Sicily. The last one rose to a hill from which the sea was seen, and touched its flageolet of 100 tongues to sing a love song to its dear one. Later on having seen it in Acis arms, it chased the young man, and an enormous mountain piece threw him above, after which it turned in river.
Putto, is a young flutter of wings also known as Amoretto, or small Cupid. They were occurring rarely apareceer in the shape of angels or cherubs in the religious paintings, or were serving to introduce a humor touch in the works of affectionate subject-matter. They were accompanying Venus and often they appear adoring its statue, during the holiday dedicated to this one.
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