Era el hijo de Priamo de Troya, al nacer, fué destinado a ser la perdición de su pueblo, su padre ordenó matarlo, pero el esclavo al que habia confiado la misión no lo mató, sinó que en su lugar, lo abandonó en el monte Ida. Unos pastores lo encontraron y lo criaron, al final tambien se convirtió en un pastor de ovejas; mas tarde, la ninfa Enone se enamoraria de el.

Cuando Paris raptó a Elena, incitó a los griegos a tomar las armas para recuperarla, lo que desembocó en la guerra de Troya, en la que Paris lucho sin entusiasmo y provocó la destrucción de Troya.
He was the son of Priamo of Troy, on having been born, it was destined to be the perdition of its people, its father ordered to kill it, but the slave to whom he had entrusted the mission did not kill it, but in its place, Going left it in the mount. A few shepherds found it and raised it, in the end also it turned into a sheep shepherd; later, the nymph Enone would fall in love of.
In the sinister judgment of Paris, one entrust him of delivering the golden Discord apple to the goddess who was thinking that it was the most beautiful. Juno offered him Asia if he was choosing it to her, Minerva said that it would turn him into a big warrior and conqueror, and Venus promised to deliver to beautiful Helen de Esparta, together with Love, Desire, the three Thank you, Passion and Hymen. In the end Venus gained the apple, but the verdict provoked the resentment of Juno and Minerva.
When Paris kidnapped Helen, it incited the Greeks to take the weapon to recover it, what ended in the war of Troy, in which Paris fought without enthusiasm and provoked the destruction of Troy.
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