Las 9 musas, hijas de Júpiter y Mnemósine, presidian e inspiraban la música, la poesia, la danza y las artes liberales. A menudo se representaban en forma de jóvenes y bellas vírgenes, y suelen aparecer junto a su protector, Apolo, que en ocasiones sujeta un libro o instrumento musicál.
Tambien eran las guardianas de la fuente de Castalia en el Monte Parnaso, que segun se creía era la fuente que inspiraba a los poetas. Las Musas vivian en Helicón. Fueron la principal fuente de inspiracion artística, de ahí que los museos se convirtieran en instituciones dedicadas a las artes. Hoy en día la palabra Museo, significa "lugar donde se guardan antiguedades"
CALIOPE- La de la voz bella- POESIA EPICA
MELPOMENE- Cantar- Drama Trágico
POLIMNIA- Muchos himnos- Mímica y poesia sacra.
TALIA- Buen ánimo y abundancia- Drama cómico
TERPSICORE- Deleite de la danza- Danza
URANIA- Celestial- Astronomía.
9 muses, daughters of Jupiter and Mnemósine, were presiding and inspiring the music, the poetry, the dance and the liberal arts. Often they were represented in the shape of young and beautiful virgins, and they usually appear along with its protector, Apollo, which sometimes holds a book or musical instrument.
Also they were the guards of the source of Castalia in the Mount Parnassus, that as he believed it was the source that was inspiring the poets. The Muses were living in Helicón. There were the main source of artistic inspiration, hence the museums were turning into institutions dedicated to the arts. Nowadays the word Museum, it means "place where antiquities keep"
CALIOPE - That of the beautiful voice - EPIC POETRY
CLIO - Reputation - HISTORY
ERATO - Affectionate - LYRIC POETRY
MELPOMENE - to Sing - Tragic Drama
POLIMNIA - Many anthems - Mimicry and sacred poetry.
TALIA - Good fortitude and plenty - comical Drama
TERPSICORE - Delight of the dance - Dance
URANIA - Celestial - Astronomy.
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