En el mundo clásico las columnas servian de portadoras de peso y de significado. Las columnas no solo eran partes extructurales, sinó que se consideraban seres humanos convertidos en arquitectura.. El término que se emplea para el remate de una columna, se llama "capitél", deriva de la palabra latina. "caput", es decir, cabeza. Su soporte se llama "basa", y deriva de la palabra griega "basis", es decir, pie. Puesto que muchas referencias biblicas, comparaban a una congregación como el edificio de Dios, las columnas comenzaron a adoptar un significado teológico, como imágenes de personas que eran pilares de la Iglesia.
Las columnas se presentan en diferentes tipos, llamados órdenes, que han elevado a estos soportes verticales a la condicion de portadores poéticos de significado. El antiguo escritor Vitruvio explicaba que el orígen de la columna dórica se basaba en las proporciones y el caracter de un hombre bien formado. Por esta razón se asocio con dioses masculinos como Marte, y con santos varones como Pedro y Pablo.
A veces las proporciones humanas y la cualidad portante de la columna dorica, se expresan literálmente como un hombre que lleva el peso de un edificio. Estas figuras se conocen como Atlantes, a imagen de Atlas, quien sostuvo el firmamento sobre su espalda.
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Con el paso del tiempo, las columnas vinieron a ser entendidas como indicadores de jerarquia, la simple columna dórica, -y su variante llamada Toscana- indicaba un edificio de baja categoria. la columna compuesta, marcaria mas adelante un edificio de mayor categoria.
Los primeros cristianos, usaron a menudo tipos de columnas diferentes en secuencia desde el patio hasta el altar, indicando con la arquitectura el peregrinar cristiano.

Como imagen abstracta de una cabeza de mujer, el capitel jónico muestra la columna vestida, igual que una mujer adornaria su cuerpo, con cuentas, hojas y flores. Las estrias de la columna llamadas acanaladuras, recuerdan los pliegues de un vestido femenino.

In the classic world the columns were serving as bearers of weight and of meaning. The columns not only were parts extructurales, but they were considered to be human beings turned into architecture. The term that is used for the auction of a column, is called "capitél", derives from the Latin word. "caput", that is to say, head. Its support is called "a base", and leeway of the Greek word "basis", that is to say, chirp. Since many Biblical references, they were comparing to a gathering like the God's building, the columns began to adopt a theological meaning, like persons' images that were props of the Church.
The columns appear in different types, called orders, which they have raised to these vertical supports to the condition of poetical bearers of meaning. Ancient writer Vitruvio was telling that the orígen of the Dorian column was basing on the proportions and the character of a well formed man. For this reason I collaborate with masculine gods like Mars, and with holy males like Pedro and Pablo.
Sometimes the human proportions and the quality amble of the Dorian column, they express themselves literálmente like a man who takes the weight of a building. These figures are known as Atlantes, to image of Atlas, who supported the firmament on its back.
The porch of the Caryatids in the Athenian Acropolis, shows a few columns sculpted with form of woman. Its name derives from the ancient Greek city of Caria, and represents mothers and married women. Vitrubio told that the mythology of the ionic column derives from the proportions of the women, while the rolls of the high thing, called volutas, represent the curled hair. The Christians adopted the ionic column as image of maternal saints and of Virgin Mary.
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In the course of time, the columns come to be understood like hierarchy indicators, the simple Dorian column, - and its variant called Tuscany - it was indicating a building of low category. the compound column, it would mark further on a building of major category.
The first Christians, used often types of different columns in sequence from the courtyard up to the altar, indicating with the architecture making a pilgrimage I christen.
Although it fills a vacancy low in the architectural hierarchy, the Dorian order can receive ornamental making, like for example thorny sheets, you adorn a capital frame in the shape of bowl, called equine. The Corinthian capitals were indicating a building of high category, like an important church or a cathedral. Its sheets are those of acanthus, a thorny plant with flowers, typical of the Mediterranean one. The slender propoorciones of the columns are compared with those of a young maiden.
As abstract image of a head of woman, the ionic capital shows the dressed column, just as a woman would adorn its body, with accounts, sheets and flowers. The stretch marks of the column called grooves, they remember the creases of a feminine garment.
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