Thursday 26 July 2012

Sátiros- Satyr

Estas criaturas mitológicas eran hombres con cuernos, patas y pezuñas de cabra. Vivian en el campo, y eran los alborotadores guardianes de Baco, Dios del vino. Acabaron por asociarse a la lujuria. Se dice que los satiros son hermanos de la ninfas de la montañas, están fuertemente conectados al culto de Dionisos, Y se las define como criaturas caprichosas e indignas, en el culto dionisiaco, los acompañantes femeninos son definidos como Menades o Bacantes.

La satira romana es una forma literaria que consiste en un ensayo poético, utilizado para atacar o burlarse de personas o elementos sociales, teniendo todo ello la naturaleza subversiva atribuida a los satiros, como fuerzas opuestas al orden y al decoro.

These mythological creatures were men with horns, paws and hoofs of goat. They were living in the field, and were the boisterous guards of Baco, God of the wine. They finished with collaborating to the lechery. It is said that the satyrs are brothers of the nymphs of the mountains, they are hard connected to the Dionisos cult, And they are defined as capricious and unworthy creatures, in the cult dionisiaco, the feminine accompanists are defined as Menades or Bacchantes.

The Roman satire is a literary form that consists of a poetical essay, used to attack or to make fun of persons or social elements, having all this the subversive nature attributed to the satyrs, like forces opposite to the order and to the decorum.

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